Unlock the Healthiest Version of Yourself

Jan 6, 2022

What better way to kick off the New Year than to find the healthiest version of yourself? Stop yo-yo dieting! Stop looking for a quick fix! Find what works for you and works forever. Dr. Ashley Lucas, founder of PHD Weight Loss has first hand experience with disordered eating. During her rigorous training and professional career as a ballet dancer over 25 years she tried everything to fit the dancer physique. She was injured and sick. Dr. Ashley got her PhD in Sports Nutrition and Chronic disease and became a Registered Dietitian before creating the PHD Nutrition plan in order to help others overcome addiction and finally get the long-lasting results they have been longing for.

Connect with Ashley:
Website | https://myphdweightloss.com/
Email | ashleylucas@phdwl.com
Facebook | Dr Ashley Lucas or PHDWeightLoss
LinkedIn | LinkedIn profile

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