Can I Drink Alcohol and Still Lose Weight?

Can I Drink Alcohol and Still Lose Weight?

Many of us enjoy a nice beverage every once in a while, but if you are trying to lose weight alcohol can play many roles in your weight loss besides adding just adding calories. You can decide for yourself if an alcoholic beverage is worth it, but here are a few...
Body Weight Exercises You Can Do Anywhere!

Body Weight Exercises You Can Do Anywhere!

You don’t need a bunch of equipment to stay in shape or get in shape, here are some body weight exercises you can do anywhere! If you travel often, are intimidated by the gym, or you are looking to get started and want to start slow or on your own, here are a...
Cheating Death with Rand McClain

Cheating Death with Rand McClain

Dr. Rand McClain, DO, is a dedicated regenerative & sports medicine specialist and author of Cheating Death: The New Science of Living Longer and Better. His journey to becoming a leader in alternative and progressive medical treatments has been anything but...
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