How Health and Fitness Saved Their Marriage

How Health and Fitness Saved Their Marriage

Married couple, Chris and Andrea Ludig, hit a rough spot in their marriage and knew they needed to make some changes to make it work. They not only decided to work on their marriage together but they decided they needed to work on themselves as well. They both began...
How Music Affects Your Health

How Music Affects Your Health

Dan Young of Sonic Productions and I discuss how music affects your health. Music has a positive affect on your physical and mental health. It can increase mood, enhance your workout, lowers stress, develops the brain, and it even influences culture. Dan Young is a...
What is This Costa Rica Fitness Vacation?

What is This Costa Rica Fitness Vacation?

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to see the beauty of Costa Rica on this FUN & FITNESS Fitcation, only a few spots are left!! This isn’t a weight loss camp or retreat. This is a no judgment zone! There will be food, there will be drinks, and there will be...
How Vacation Improves Your Health

How Vacation Improves Your Health

Richard and Kristin Morris are travel agents with Cruise Planners: Arizona Cruise and Travel. They help to take the stress out of your vacation. We discuss planning travel, what a travel agency can do for you and also my Costa Rica Fitness Vacation. For more...
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