by | Mar 25, 2022 | Podcast
Clinical hypnotherapist, self improvement expert and spirituality teacher, Dr. John McGrail is the author of The Synthesis Effect: Your Direct Path to Personal Power and Transformation. Dr. McGrail discusses his process dedicated to helping people create health,...
by | Mar 13, 2022 | Podcast
Dr. Rita Louise is the author of “The Dysfunctional Dance Between the Empath and the Narcissist.” Surviving childhood trauma and a string of dysfunctional relationships led her to look inward and address the connection between our traumas and how to heal...
by | Mar 10, 2022 | Podcast
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Tracy Hemingway developed the Hemingway Protocol to help open blockages to find your inner wisdom and utilize the power of your subconscious mind to make it all easier and clearer. Her goal is to help you find your best self by...
by | Mar 3, 2022 | Podcast
Life coach and counselor, David Essel recognized a need to help the millions of people around the world as we have been affected by the pandemic. David developed the Help Americans Heal program as a resource to deal with the stress, uncertainty, isolation and other...
by | Feb 17, 2022 | Podcast
Terri Jay, the Cowgirl Shaman was born with an intuitive ability and sense of clairvoyance. Terri has helped thousands of people with financial, relationship, and health issues with her guidance and has taught many more to tap into their intuitive abilities. Starting...
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