A Sustainable Alternative to Meat that Can Change the World with Paul Shapiro

Feb 10, 2022

Paul Shapiro, the CEO of Better Meat Co. and the author of “Clean Meat: How Growing Meat Without Animals Will Revolutionize Dinner and the World,” has created a sustainable meat alternative that is healthy, delicious, and can help save the environment! This episode covers Better Meat Co. and some fascinating topics including farming, sustainability, environment, health, and how eating less meat can change the world. Paul also shares his wife’s website, cookbook and podcast, Plant Based on a Budget.  Check it out!

Connect with Paul:
Website | https://www.bettermeat.co/
Book | https://cleanmeat.com/
Podcast | https://www.businessforgoodpodcast.com/
TedEx | Paul Shapiro
Plant Based Resources | https://plantbasedonabudget.com/


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